Reach prospects no one else can find.

Unlike every other B2B database, we use real-time data to give you leads from the future – not the past
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1 billion
7 million

You’re using outdated contact info.

Static B2B databases are updated slowly.
Most are inaccurate.
All have limited coverage.

Get the most accurate leads from tomorrow’s data.

Real-time data

found as you go

Limitless coverage

zero FOMO

No subscriptions

pay as you go
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What Our Customers Say

As a digital marketing agency, we wanted to organize our lead generation and make it more consistent. Research AI is set up so that once you define your search criteria, it runs on autopilot. It allows us to effortlessly get new prospects and focus more on closing deals. The real-time data and accurate contact information ensure we’re always working with up-to-date leads.

Ora Hittsovich
CEO at ClickRoads

Research AI has made lead generation faster and more precise for us. Its real-time search delivers up-to-date, relevant data, helping us discover leads we couldn’t find with other tools. Unlike other tools that rely on recycled data, it consistently finds high-quality prospects, making our list-building process more efficient. It’s become an essential part of our prospecting workflow.

Michael Maximoff
Co-Founder & Managing Partner

Calculate contact’s cost

Use our calculator to estimate the relative cost per contact based on your target audience.
Job title
Cost per request
Quantity of requests
Cost per contact

Research AI uses smart algorithms to find real-time contact data based on what you’re looking for. Each ‘request’ is simply a try to get fresh data, and if your search is more complex,it might take a few extra tries.

Tomorrow’s data found today

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Sample FAQ:

What makes Research AI different from other B2B data tools?

Research AI offers real-time data directly within our platform, eliminating the need to search onLinkedIn or elsewhere. We pull from multiple sources, ensuring you get fresh, accurate leadswith wide coverage. Plus, with our pay-as-you-go model, you only pay for what you use—nooutdated data or long-term contracts.

What does real-time prospecting mean?

Research AI offers real-time data directly within our platform, eliminating the need to search onLinkedIn or elsewhere. We pull from multiple sources, ensuring you get fresh, accurate leadswith wide coverage. Plus, with our pay-as-you-go model, you only pay for what you use—nooutdated data or long-term contracts.

Do I need a subscription to use Research AI?

Research AI offers real-time data directly within our platform, eliminating the need to search onLinkedIn or elsewhere. We pull from multiple sources, ensuring you get fresh, accurate leadswith wide coverage. Plus, with our pay-as-you-go model, you only pay for what you use—nooutdated data or long-term contracts.

How accurate is the contact information provided by Research AI?

Research AI offers real-time data directly within our platform, eliminating the need to search onLinkedIn or elsewhere. We pull from multiple sources, ensuring you get fresh, accurate leadswith wide coverage. Plus, with our pay-as-you-go model, you only pay for what you use—nooutdated data or long-term contracts.

Can I customize my search criteria to target specific industries or roles?

Research AI offers real-time data directly within our platform, eliminating the need to search onLinkedIn or elsewhere. We pull from multiple sources, ensuring you get fresh, accurate leadswith wide coverage. Plus, with our pay-as-you-go model, you only pay for what you use—nooutdated data or long-term contracts.